April 2012 - THIS week's PICTURE

Lincoln Memorial Fractured : Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett


A simple enough affair this week. From a series of the facade a different viewpoint is added and enlarged with much of the peripheral stuff drawn in.

Now I like Greek art as much as the next hellenophile but it's like they cornered the market on taste. Now is a Greek temple that practical, really? They are hell to heat for one thing. And try building an addition like a garage and see how that works out.. But the Greek Temple still exists as some form of ideal for...grandeur, I suppose. When is somone going to top it, that's what I want to know. So when I break it up and change shapes it is with those two senses of admiration and frustration. Putting in a couple of angles and varying viewpoint is a minor rebellion that I think it can take.

I still have more pictures of this memorial to work on fortunately/unfortunately.



